vendredi 2 mai 2008

Quand stage rime avec plage...

Here are the last episodes from my adventures.

I left Paris 1 week ago to move to Nice where I'm doing my internship right now. Well "right now" not really as I'm completing my blog.

I started last Tuesday and I already have a couple of things I'm responsible for. The only problem is I'm not yet autonomous as I don't know how things work. Fortunately, I have a very nice boss and a great smiling team.
Another point is our offices are located 1 minute walk from the Promenade des Anglais and the sea. So this midday, I bought lunch and went to eat on the beach, enjoying the sun (only few people can say that! ;-) )

I'm still at the hostel so far. I did find a nice studio on which I had a crush on but the procedure to get all the papers for the rent done is so long that I have to wait for another 2 weeks. It's really ennoying but I have no real choice.

Meanwhile, I made some friendships and went to the beach a couple of times already. It was my main activity and I got sunburnt!
After my settlement, I've planned to do some nice and interesting things like cannyoning, diving and rock climbing. Of course I intend to visit the region so I really think 6 months are not going to be enough!

The bad thing is my camera died just before my departure so I have no pictures to show at the moment. I'm planning in buying a new one soon so I'll show you my environment when I get it.

Meanwhile, enjoy the sun!

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