mardi 8 mai 2007

Day 3: Feel the wind and enjoy the view

Finaly I did it. After months saying "I wanna go to Howth to visit", I finaly made it. Howth is a small peninsula on the East of Dublin that is really nice for long walks. In my tourist guide there was a hiking way adviced and we decided to follow it.

We left aroud 11am Mum, Greg, Marie (my housemate) and me and took the DART (the regional train). It was nice going a bit out of Dublin and seeing other landscapes than buildings and cars. Arrived there, we began our walk but after a few minutes we were already lost! We didn't really know which way to go as in Ireland, streets are not always named. So we "visited" the port and then began our walk in the right direction.

The guide said that we had to go up on the hill to enjoy the nice view over the bay. The funny thing is that the way was described so precisely that it was almost hard to really get it. For example, we were on the right street and in the guide was written "at the public phone turn right"... but who knows what happened to the public phone meanwhile?? Maybe they removed it! And that's actually what happened: we didn't find it! A man on the street told us it was "always up" (with the funny Irish accent) so we just walked up... untill we finally figured out we were too high! We were supposed to cross the golf course and it came out the course was below us! But at least, after having walked between the bushes and the wind during a while without even knowing if we were on the right way, we really enjoyed the view over both the Dublin Bay and the other side of the peninsula.

We decided to stop in a place were we were protected from the wind and had lunch: ham sandwiches with cocumbers and cheddar (Mum didn't pay attention when buying the cheese! But it wasn't bad at all :) ). And we finaly came back by the same side we came up. We stopped in a pub recommended by the guide and had a cofe and a piece of cake. It was soooooo good!!! Having a rest in a warm place with a warm cup of capuccino for me and a delicious piece of cake...

And just when we decided to go to take the DART to go back home it began to rain! We were so lucky! The weather forcast said it should have rained from time to time but actually the weather wasn't bad at all! (except for the wind but at least it gave my mum an overview of the typical Irish weather).

Greg was really cute and walked all the time without saying anything, just enjoying the nature. He played with Marie who really had a good feeling with him and my mum enjoyed seeing something else than the capital. What for me, I wanna go there again and try to find the right way this time!!! :D

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Hey Girl :-)
As promised here is a little word for you.
It's really nice to read you once in a while, and to discover how things are going in Irland!

I really hope it turns out as you wish!

Take care talk to you pretty soon :-)

Anonyme a dit…

People should read this.