mardi 19 août 2008

Athletic resolutions

Walking on the Promenade des Anglais in the morning or in the evening, you can see lots of people jogging, cycling or roller blading. This gave me the impression of walking along Miami beach and, looking at those people, I felt like I was the only one not motivated enough to practice some sport.

One day, talking with Cécilia, we agreed on the fact that we both should exercise a bit and we decided that we'd go jogging after work a couple of times.

Between the day we took that decision and the one we actually did it, one month passed. Yes, the lack of motivation some days, the various activities we both had planned already and the late hours work prevent us from doing it.

But finally we put our jog suits on and went.
1st time: just a rapid walk all along the Promenade - 1h
2nd time: rapid walk for 10 min alternated with a 5 min run - 1h

And here we are now. We planned to do the same thing the 3rd time to get the habit and decided to do this jogging thing twice a week.

Good resolutions and healthy living, here we come!!!

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