vendredi 3 octobre 2008

Back home

Season's over. My manager gave me some vacation. So I took advantage to go back home and see family, friends and doctors!

I left on the 24th September in the afternoon and thanks to the very punctual railway system we have here in France, I arrived home at 1 am, that is to say almost 1 hour late. I was weird being back home, walking on the sidewalks I used to walk on when I was living there. I think I sort of realized when I was there, that I had left.

Before I left, my manager made me a job offer. It's not going to be really well paid but some things are sure if I accept:
- I will work with a great team
- I have an awsome manager
- I will learn a lot of new things and discover great new places in France (which will make me change my mind about my country)
- I will make lots of contacts everywhere
All this is way much important than just earning money. I can leave perfectly with the 860€ I earn at the moment so with 1200€ it should be way enough (maybe I'll be even able to save!!)
And on the other hand, one has to keep in mind that this is not going to be the job of my life. As a start of career it's great!

So I accepted! I'll end up my internship in November and will start straight away my contract. I haven't signed the papers yet but have no doubt it will come soon.

So here I am, starting a new life in South of France with a little studio all mine, new friends and a new job!! Only the boyfriend is missing (yes, I broke up with Franck) but I don't worry a bit about that! ;)

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

Nice.. So you'll have more time to go and visit one of your favorite cousins :D
... maybe during winter, so that you can try skiing again... do you remember?