jeudi 30 octobre 2008

Special thank you

After 6 months here in Nice I have a special thank you to say.

Dear Cécilia,

As soon as I arrived you took care of me: you helped me find an appartment, you advised me on various subjects, you gave me things to decorate my studio... and little by little you became my very good friend.

After a couple of weeks, I felt so at ease with you that we started going out together and made activities: scuba diving, bars, movie watching etc...

You helped me in the bad times as well. When I felt lonely, when I lost faith and when I felt bored, you were always there to chear me up.

We're working together and spending time outside the office together and after 6 months I'm still having as much fun as the 1st day!!

Because of all this I would like to tell you how much I appreciate your friendship and support.

Thank you for being there.

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