vendredi 20 mars 2009

Salsa Queen

Since a bit more than one month, I'm following salsa courses given by the Columbian association in Nice. I've known this association thanks to Francis, my colleague, and Luz, his wife, who are part of it.

So after having revised the basis, I am now evolving a bit and learning new steps. Well not exactly... Actually we're still learning steps that I know but as there aren't enough men in the course, and since I know the basics already, I'm learning man's steps and that's quite funny. So I'm Cécilia's partner and we both rock! We're great together and really get on well on the dancefloor!

Aside from that, we're participating to a lot of salsa evenings like yesterday at the Karé(ment), a club in Monaco.

I hope soon I'll be able to dance salsa perfectly... ok, maybe not soon but maybe one day! ;)
Special thought for my brother who celebrates his 10th birthday today. Lots of love Greg!

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

E tanti auguri al piccolo Gregory!!!!

Secondo me pero' dovreste alternarvi un po': a volte guidi tu e a volte fai guidare (dirigere, come si dice in italiano "lead"?) Cecilia.
A volte mi sembra che hai un atteggiamento troppo forte (vuoi decidere anche quando fai la donna, quindi ti servirebbe un partner molto forte e deciso) invece dovresti abituarti ad "ascoltare" un po' di piu' il partner e farti guidare.

Anonyme a dit…

Prova a chiudere gli occhi quando ti fai guidare ;)

A buon compleanno a Greg! Anche lui ha raggiunto la doppia cifra! :)

PS La foto che hai messo sembra di tango piu' che salsa.
Come te la cavi col tango? Una volta potremmo ballare insieme; ma anche in questo caso devi seguire il partner.