samedi 6 juin 2009

Wedding time

Up to Paris again to ensure a special role: witness at Anne-Marie's wedding.
I have waited for this moment since quite a while and was very excited.

When the day arrived, I went there enough in advance to help Anne-Marie getting ready. She wore a beautiful white dress and had been maked up by her aunt. A couple of pictures already as I really wanted to have some special pix of this priviledged moment with her.

When everybody was there, we all left together for the city hall. There again some pictures and then time to stand in from of the mayor.
No one was sitting. All guests were in front of us, taking pictures of Anne-Marie, David and their two witnesses.

When the time came, the mayor asked us to sign the record. Two signatures that would mark thi special day forever. I felt so much pressure that I ruined the second signature!!! But anyway, what matters is to be there right?

We left the room and took hundreds of pictures outside the city hall. Our newly wife and husband were just perfect: all smily on every pic. They really seemed to be happy :)

From there it was time to go and celebrate. So in their appartment we cut the wedding cake and I had the chance to discover wedding traditions from Anne-Marie's family.
Awesome time together and loads of food! I ate sooooo much!! Anne-Marie and David had warned me: "don't ate too much we still have the retaurant later on". Damn! I had completely forgotten about it. So I stopped eating looking forward to the restaurant.

Arrived there, we had a lovely dinner. At the time of the wedding cake (yes, a second one!!) I stood and raised my glass of champagne. It was my turn to talk and make all my wishes to the new couple. I had done my best to personnalise my speech as much as possible and, to me, the internet field was what linked our two newly weds best. I spoke, my hands were shaking and my voice wasn't very assured but still, by seeing them smile at some funny sentences, I felt I had done the right thing and I was glad I had followed my intuition.

The dinner ended and I felt sick of having eaten so much! Anne-Marie and David told me that for the religious wedding that was planned for the 1st August it would be worse and that I'd better get used to big quantities.

All summed up, I had a great day and I was proud to be the witness of such a lovely and adorable couple.
Anne-Marie, David, even thought this was not the most important part of your commitment together, I wish you all the best in your marital life and sincerily hope you'll spend the rest of your life in the same joy as this special day.

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