mercredi 10 juin 2009

Driving lessons...

Just back from the wedding in Paris, I had some plans.

Preparing our next trip to Portugal, we (meaning mum and I) faced some problems: as she wasn't feeling enough in shape to drive, my mother decided I'd be the driver for the week we'd plan to spend around Nothern Portugal. What mum had evidently forgotten is that I haven't been driving since I got my licence, i.e. 2006!!!!!!

Therefore I to ok some big decision: I rented a car for 3 days and asked Noémie to be my personnal coach.

On the day I came back from Paris, I've been working all day and the same evening I had to exercise myself again with this Citroen C3 we had rented.
Noémie drove us outside town and when there were less cars, she gave me the wheel.

I was so tensed, so afraid I'd commit some stupid move or any accident...
But after a couple of minutes things happened to be not that bad after all. Reactions were coming back little by little though I was still very clenched.

The first evening ended well and I was pretty proud of myself and way more confident to see I was still able to drive and I hadn't forgotten that much of all my driving lessons.

Second and third evening (I was driving exclusively after work) went way better (more or less). I wasn't tensed anymore and I gained fluency and confidence. Cécilia joined us in our little escapade the last day.

After those 3 days I felt I was more able to drive on my own, though I had some apprehension.
On the other hand I was so excited about our trip and I couldn't wait to be there.
Portugal here I come!!

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