mercredi 12 novembre 2008

Italian Fashion

This week-end we decided with Cécilia to go to Italy in an industrial area where shopping is cheaper. From my side I invited Noémie to join and Cécilia decided to bring Christelle with her so on Sunday morning (it was actually midday already when we left), we drove to Serra Valle.

Serra Valle is situated a bit further than Torino. To go there, we took the highway up to Torino and then changed direction toward Serra Valle. The thing is that it normally should take 3h to go there. How come after 4h we were still on the way?? We took the wrong way!!!!

Finaly, at about 4pm we arrived, starving as none of us have had lunch and with the firm intention to find something to buy just to make the trip worth it! We got a piece of pizza and a coke in an italian fast food and started to goof around the branded shops: Versace, Prada, Guess and so on. All there with incredible prices! Well, of course it was way less expensive than the normal price but I still can't understand people who spend 150€ just for a pair of jeans!

We moved from one side of the area to the other taking the little train and enjoying the tour: picture, (wasted) movies, and laughters.

Anyway, I came back as well with a bag: at Pitarello, my beloved Italian shoe shop, I found a pair of boots at 74€, all in black leather. Just beautiful!

And it was already time to go back. This time driving on the coastal highway and in fact, in 3h we were home.

Next shopping adventure in Italy: probably during spring 2009!

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