mardi 16 décembre 2008

European Tour: Paris - 4 days

Back in Paris for a couple of days. Home sweet home as we use to say!
Originally it was to take my internship oral exam but it appeared to be more to see again the people I know than to have a studying stay.

I did the typical "duties" (consulate, doctors...) and then took advantage of all my friends, even the one I wasn't expecting to see. Ok, let's say it, I was never home!! I think I may have seen my mum for 3 hours out of 4 days!!

Anyway, to all the one I saw, thanks for your time, it was good seeing you again. And for the others, we'll plan to see each other soon.

The weather was not that bad up there and I even got the chance to see the opening of the Xmas market... At least that as the decorations in my street were really shitty! So desappointing!
Anyway, it's not bad beeing back in Nice. Not that I was getting bored in Paris (I didn't have time!) but there was a little something different...

Oh!! And I received my Christmas present from my mum!!! A brand new camera!!! Lots of pictures coming soon!!!

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

You're always traveling around too!