jeudi 26 février 2009

Dying at Menton's carnival

Isn't carnival supposed to be a funny, getting together party?
Isn't it supposed to be a good occasion to enjoy the family reunion?
Isn't it the moment when everyone makes jokes and masquerades with anyone, even if they don't know each other?

If yes, I really wonder what the carnival in Menton is for?

Cécilia and I had the chance to go to Menton for the lemon party (all paid by the company by the way). Before the "show" started, we went around to have a look and were surprised to see only some chariots and few dancers. The chariots were nice but not as impressive as in Nice.

When the show started, it was like nothing happened: some music of course but no festive atmosphere, no one seemed to really appreciate and to celebrate, everyone was so passive! Gotta say that the public average age sould have been 70 years old... That may explain something...

With Cécilia we decided to "awake" the public a bit and we started shouting and dancing to animate a bit... but nothing... We watched the parade and complimented the dancers that were the only real attraction of the evening (Brasilians, Mexicans, Hawaian dancers...).

At the end of this boring parade was the fireworks which was as boring as the rest of the evening.
We took some funny pictures of ourselves getting bored and went home convinced that Menton was a place to die, not to live! :)

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

You should have seen Basel!
They have this special "carnival" (but it's actually in Lent time) called Morgestraich: the celebrations start at 4AM of Monday!
It's quite nice: all lights are turned off and at 4 am some people with a special mask and a light on their head start the parade, playing some instruments as well.

The problem is that after 20-30 min it gets boring and everybody gets bored and goes home to sleep and only the participants of the parade keep walking around all night long.

This should continue till Thursday.