lundi 16 février 2009

Viva Carnaval!!

Carnival started in Nice this week-end and I had decided to be part of the party.
This year's theme was "The King Of Masquerades" and I assumed this would lead lots of fun.

On Satuday afternoon was organised the Flower Battle so at the right time, I went on the Promenade to get a nice spot. Unfortunately, the event was reserved to the people who'd bought tickets and at 25€ each, I didn't see the point in getting one and staying there the whole afternoon alone just to see some decorated chariots. In fact Cécilia was on holiday and Noémie didn't felt like coming. So I tried to take a couple of pics and to see throught the fences but after 15 minutes I gave up and my festive afternoon ended up doing shopping.

Nevertheless, on Sunday was the Corso Carnavalesque and that one was opened to the public.
It was a parade of chariots one more beautiful than the other. A great job has been done there and the athmosphere was really nice. Children on their parents'shoulders and everyone with spray bombs and confettis. Some friends had even organised spray bombs battle and everyone got sprayed in the public! The athmosphere was really childish and fun.

The parade lasted 2h and I really enjoyed the moment. I would certainly have been better with a couple of friends but I had fun anyway and will continue to go to the various events organised until the 1st March, day of closure.

3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

March 1st! Wow!
This is really a commercial event!
No traditional relevance left.

Anonyme a dit…

Talking about commercial festivities...
I was looking for you on Saturday!!!

Luca GT a dit…

Anche qui, in certi cantoni, sono figli di un dio pagano.
A Lucerna finisce giustamente oggi (martedi' grasso), ma a Basilea so che c'e' un evento il 2 Marzo.