dimanche 22 avril 2007

Typical evening

Ok, on request of my cousin who reads more easily English than French, I've decided to continue in English (it's gonna be harder but I'm sure I'll manage!)

The last day spent with Daffy was pretty lazy. We went to buy some food in the morning as there was nothing for breakfast and spent the day, doing little things.

The motivation came in the evening when I told Daphné she had to hear some Irish traditionnal music and taste the Guiness (who can come to Ireland and not taste it? NOONE!!). Therefore we went to Temple Bar, the best touristic area. After a tour where I made the guide telling the funny stories of the place, we stopped at the Gogarty's which is the most famous bar in Temple Bar, if not the most famous in Dublin. There, every night, a band plays live music and the athmosphere is really friendly and warm. We got a Guiness and good seats in front of the band and listen to this happy music.

Everything was going fine and we were really enjoying our time when two guys came over. They were from Austria and in a second, I found myself trying to speak German again. That was so hard!... I was mixing all the words, even if I could understand almost everything of what the guy was saying. Daffy, on her side, was doing her best to speak English to the other guy. She seamed to handle it very well.

Regarding the music and the tradition, Daffy wanted to keep a souvenir of her trip here so we decided to buy the CD of the band. We thought it would be a good way to remember the evening as well as Ireland!

Finaly, after two drinks, we decided to go home and the way back was as funny as the whole day! We were tired, we were a bit drunk, and all that lead us to big laughs and making the guard of the Parliament house take a picture of the two of us in front of the building.

I think we'll remember that evening! ;)

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