samedi 16 juin 2007

Après le mémoire, les mémoires...

Finaly it's over. D-Day, as my Irish housemate Richard was calling it, is over and my thesis is done. Yesterday the 15th of June 2007 was the last day to give back my work and after a lot of sleepless nights and stess, I really deserve some free and quiet time.

But before enjoying my time going shopping, drinking and having fun, I would like to thank Ramona and Michi for their help on D-Day. Without them I would never have manage. So guys, I want to tell you how grateful I am and I hope I can do the same for you if one day you need it.
You're great!!!!

And now, let's have fun!!!!

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

Hey Girl!

I totally agree we are finally free to spend our time as we wish! We finally made it through :-).

Now it's time to partyyy and have fun!