vendredi 22 juin 2007

Gudrun and Jesper's farewell party

I can't believe it's already time to say bye to these two. Time went so fast... and they're already leaving for Australia!

To celebrate we went for diner at the Quays restaurant. It was really great. Everybody was there... at least the most important: Ramona, Alex, Michi, Sheila, Kasper, Gina, Jesper's brother and of course Gudrun and Jesper. We had a lot of fun listening to the live music.

Gudrun really liked the album we gave her as a goodbye present. She was wiping tears from her eyes and that made me sad. I really realised at that moment that she was leaving for quite a long time. No more Icelandic stories, no more dances, no more "moi toi" instead of "me too"... I'm really gonna miss her...

After the restaurant we went to the City Bar and had fun dancing first sitting and then on the dancefloor. It was definitely a great evening!!!

Dear Gudrun,
It was a real pleasure getting to know you and spending so much time with you. I'm gonna miss you so much!!

I wish you and Jesper all the best and a lot of fun in Australia.
I hope I can come to visit you there... Anyway, we keep in touch!

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