mardi 7 août 2007

Helsinki, capital and city of our hearts

It took us only a couple of minutes to decide to cover the 254 km separating us from Helsinki yesterday evening.

Leaving early in the morning (around 5am), it took us 4 hours, 32,10€ each and a looooooooot of patience to arrive. Fortunately, we left taking with us our cameras, the guidebook and our good temper that help us bear the trip. We sang all the way long and I'm sure that the other passengers didn't realised they would need some patience too to bear the trip with us!

Arrived in Helsinki, we stop at the terrace of a bar to have breakfast and started to visit the city. The weather was once more unbelievable shiny and we spent a great day walking along the lake, taking pics with flowers, and discovering the harbour and it's cute market place.

The most impressive thing that engraved our memories is evidently the wonderful cathedral right in the centre of the city and not far from the harbour. So white and so sober that it looked like it was shining over the whole city.

Coming back from Helsinki, travelling the 254 km in the other way and so, getting bored another 4 hours, we joined Aurélia and her friends at the terrace of a café for a drink. But apparently no one realised that it was evening and that the mosquitoes were already out to bite some fresh French flesh. Therefore we didn't stay long.

Memorable day... for various reasons! ;-)

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