mercredi 8 août 2007

"Les Island"

3rd day in Finland.

We decided with Célie to change landscape and to visit some islands that the tourism office described us.

First of all, there was a misunderstanding regarding the departure time. The first boat, that was marked as leaving around 10 am, was finally cancelled. It took us almost 30 minutes to understand that as noone was talking English or wanted to help us. Fortunately, we met a really nice Finish couple that translated for us.

So we had about two and a half hours to kill and since the weather was once more very hot and shiny, we decided to stay on Rauma's harbour, to visit the Lighthouse and just lay on the rocks under the sun.

These 2 hours were the most peaceful we spent in Finland. We listened to music, chatted, enjoyed, discovered wild life...

At the right time we went to buy our tickets for the tour. This was the program:
- 1st island (unpronounceable name so I re baptised it Couscoustajine... quite close to the real name): 5 hours on it. Historical island, bonkers, military canteen...
- 2nd island (can't remember the name): one and a half hour on it. The lighthouse.

When we left the harbour, we were really excited because the trip really changed the landscape around us: sea, boats, fresh air. Just great!
As soon as we arrived on the island, we kind of changed face. We soon discovered that there was not much to see. Bonkers, bonkers, abandoned places and... bonkers. 5 hours HERE!!! We occupied our time on the swing, having an ice cream in the military canteen, going to a viewpoint on top of a tower and... chatting... again!

We were really happy to see the boat coming back to lead us to the 2nd island. We were like 2 adventurers rescued after 1 month in a tropical jungle without seeing anybody. So when the boat arrived, we didn't even let the people come down and jumped on the deck.

2nd island: worse then the first one!! It was 3 stones in the sea and a lighthouse on the middle of it. And that was basically all!!!! And THERE we had to stay one and a half hour!!!!!! The area of the place was around 600m². No kidding!

We tried to stay calm and went up the lighthouse. The view was really nice... but still to desert to be that exciting! I think we were really surptised when we discovered that the lighthouse was also a hotel!! Why do people spend 100€ (we asked for the price!) to spend one night in the middle of nowhere????

Coming back to the continent, we decided that the day was still nice even though a bit long.

In the evening we went to a restaurant to eat traditional food: reindeer. It was delicious and we ended up our day coming back, stomach full.

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