vendredi 10 août 2007

End of the Finish adventure

Time to leave Finland and Aurélia.

6.30 am?: Getting up
Here we are, packing the last things before leaving. Nothing's left behind, we can go and say goodbye to Rauma, and Aurélia's appartment (she already left as she had to catch a plane for France in the morning)

7.15 am: HOW ARE WE GOING TO DO??????
The bus left just in front of us leaving us and our luggages at the bus station without any other solution to go to the airport. Célie and I started worrying. This bus was our unique chance to be on time to catch the coach that would have lead us to the airport from Tempere. We started thinking of the possibilities left:
- taking the next bus would have left us in Tempere without any transport to go to the airport... except the taxi
- grabbing a taxi from Rauma to Tempere: we asked, it would have cost 200€ (1,50€ per km!!!)
- doing hitch-hiking until Tempere

We voted for the last solution and tried stopping cars on the streets. The problem was that people didn't go that far and we didn't want to stop in the middle of nowhere risking not to find any cars afterwards... So we tried until the next bus to Tempere arrived and we cought it. In Tempere we decided to take a taxi. That was another 30€ but at least we were at the airport and ready to check in. The funny thing is that we were the first to get into the plane and that we got the place next to the windows! Amazing, when you think how the day started!

15 pm: Arrival in Dublin
Even though the wheather isn't great as in Finland, it's so good to be home!!!

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