lundi 2 juillet 2007

My 22nd birthday

"A bet is a bet!" All the girls from the office were off on that day thanks to Ramona's perfect forecast at the dogs race.

For that occasion, I went to Ranelagh with Marie and we got a coffee in a very cute Italian restaurant. Then we ordered a cake and finaly we didn't resist to the temptation of buying a panino ciabatta which was simply delicious! After that we came home and later in the evening I met Ramona, Alex, Michi, Sheila, Erika and Douggie (Erika's boyfriend) at the Quays pub. When I arrive, a cake was on the table and a beer was waiting for me! They lightened the candles and I blew them before the fire alarm rang! :)

They offered me all my drinks and we spent a really nice evening all together. Then I went home with Michi and we had a great long conversation together. I really felt I had a good friend.

The evening was just great and broadly speaking the whole day was nice! I will remember my 22nd birthday for a long time, as it was exceptional... exactly how I wanted it to be! ;)

1 commentaire:

Celie l'Aventuriere a dit…

Coucou ma petite Chloé!!

Je t'écris un petit mot ici, je suis sure que ca te fera plaisir...

Vu le peu d'actualités que tu mets ici , je dois être une des rares personnes à venir encore voir si ya du neuf...

Mais moi j'attends la suite, avec notre trip in Finlande, le pays du père noel et de ses Rennes, des couchers de soleil etc ...

Bizou Tiote! & See ya!