lundi 30 juillet 2007

N.I. - Day 3: Emotions and adventure

Third day with my wonderful driver, adventurer and friend. The sun was still shining even though the wind was stronger.

We woke up in front of the magnificent view, had a great breakfast and packed all our stuff in the car. We walked to the cliffs in order to see Giant's Causeway, one of the most wonderful and amazing places. We decided to take the walk up the cliffs first and to come back to Giant's Causeway and the viewpoint afterwards. The walk was really worth it. We saw some other more sheeps, took another fifty pictures...each! and then walked down to see the amazing job Nature did. The columns, made by the sudden cooling of a lava flow sixty millions years ago, were something unbelievable. They were all in the shape of perfects hexagons and the highest of them was 12m high!!! If this would have been only for a couple of rocks, I'd just find it funny but what really made it impressive and unbelievable was that this phenomenon was reproduced to a whole rocky zone! People walked on these rocks using them as stairs as these were so amazingly positioned.

Our guide says this have a legendary explanation: a powerful giant would have built this path to reach his fiancée on an island... Isn't it romantic?

Anyway, after this curiosity of nature, we went back West to Carrikarade rope bridge. This is a regional attraction. A rope bridge is built between the coast and an island closeby. It's about 25m high and really impressive once you're on it. On the island, nothing to see but the sensations you get on the bridge are worth the ride!

Last visit of the day: Dunluce castle. This previous fortress of 1584 had a wonderful location and should have been a great place to leave!

Finally, we left the coast to drive completely East toward Donegal city where Michi and I decided to go to see the highest cliffs of Europe.

...To be continued!

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