dimanche 29 juillet 2007

N.I. - Day 2: Belfast and the route to beauty

First thing when waking up: watching the sky to see what the weather was like. Once again, we were lucky: sun was shining bright!

We went to the centre of Belfast to visit and we had a big surprise: all the monuments we wanted to see (basically all the famous ones) were under renovation and therefore closed! We decided to walk to the centre and to have a look around. It was quite scary because the city was desert: no soul on the streets, the weather was turning bad and it started to rain... it seems we were in some kind of western movie...

We decided to come back to the city hall to grab a black taxi to do the historical visit and that was a great idea! The driver brought us the see the murals, the wall of peace, the Protestant part and the Christian one... and explained us all the details of the drama. The hardest thing was to understand what he was saying as the Belfast accent is particularly strong! It was really interesting though!

We left Belfast to go more North towards Giant's Causeway. We drove all along the coast, discovering landscapes one more beautiful than the other. We stopped several times to enjoy the view and the weather. Unfortunately, time was running fast and we had to find a B&B before the night so we decided to stop next to Bushmills and to stay in a B&B where a friend of Michi's housemate stayed. The location was simply incredible: on one side we had a view on the hills and the cows and on the other we could see the coast and the cliffs. Like a dream...

We had a salad in a restaurant closeby and enjoyed the sunset at the B&B's terrasse.
That was a quiet and dreamlike day. :)

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