mardi 31 juillet 2007

N.I. - Day 4: From the cliffs toward home

Last day of our wonderful trip in Northern Ireland. Today the weather was not that great but one day out of four, we couldn't really complain.

We drove along the Donegal coast. It was like being at the end of the world: the coast, the sea, and the sky. Just great.

The closer we arrived to the cliffs, the more scary it was. The road was quite small and it went up and down, right and left, each time without seeing where it ended up... After all these emotions we discovered the marvellous landscape of Slieve League. They're the highest cliffs in Europe: almost 600m! Quite impressive!

We walked on the One Man's Path (or so we thought) which is a very small path up on the cliffs and enjoyed the view over the Atlantic ocean on one side and over Donegal County on the other.

Then it was already time to go back to Dublin... :(
On our way, we went to Sligo and saw the Benbulbin, a huge mountain that's often compared to a table with "folded" sides. It's 80km long and quite massive in the landscape.

We finally arrived at the airport parking place and had to say goodbye to our great car...

I first want to thank Michi for his company, friendship and kindness during the trip and for having been such a good driver!! I couldn't do best! ;-)

And remember, whenever you want, I'm ready to do this all over again with you! I had a great time!!!!

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