dimanche 1 juillet 2007

Justin Timberlake's concert

I still can't believe I went there.

Everything started when Michi and Sheila told me they were going to buy tickets for Justin's concert in Dublin on the 1st July. They asked me if I wanted to buy one as well but as I am not a big fan of Justin and I don't really know his songs, I thought it was useless going.

Then I came home and I saw Sheila saying on MSN "Concert of Justin Timberlake the 1st of July". I realized then it was the day before my birthday! The next morning I woke up with the willing to go, thinking this could be a nice present I could do to myself. So just after work I went to buy a ticket.

Michi gave me Justin's last album so that I could familiarize with the songs and the artist and I actually started to really like his music!

The concert was planned to take place in an open space and the whole week before it rained so I was starting to think the guy that organised the concert was 1. not an Irish and 2. very stupid for not thinking it might rain!!!

So on the day we went to the concert's place and discovered. It was a huge field with a stage in the middle and big TV screens on 2 sides to admire Justin face from closer. We were really licky because even though it rained a bit before the concert, during the show the sky was pretty clear and it wasn't cold at all. Justin even thanked the person who prayed for us not to have rain on that day (that means me!!!!).

Anyway, the show was simply GREAT! We got 50 Cent as a first part and then Timbaland came to sing with Justin. Justin was great: a wonderful singer, great dancer and very sexy as well. I wasn't prepared at all to see such a good concert!

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